Flexible DIN Rail Mount Rajant BreadCrumb for Use in Enclosures
Content from www.Rajant.com
Rajant KM3
Released earlier this year, the Rajant KM3 is a non-ruggedised version of the BreadCrumb® ME4 intended for deployment inside pre-existing outdoor NEMA enclosures.
It has all of the same ME4 performance, capabilities, and features with the same temperature specs (-20°C to +80°C), but without the IP67 housing. The nodes can be mounted on the pre-designed, pre-configured panels used with these systems along with the circuitry, sensors, and I/O devices typically included on the data panels.
The Problem It Solves
The KM3 is a dual radio BreadCrumb for deployments inside environmentally protected enclosures and is an ideal wireless network solution for operations that rely heavily on SCADA, real-time monitoring, and video surveillance. No towers needed.
This wireless node offers two transceivers and up to four external antenna ports, all in a lightweight and portable form factor.
- Supports multiple radio frequencies—900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5 GHz.
- Features integrated mounting bracket for DIN-Rail mounting system (Top Hat configuration).
- Includes integrated Wi-Fi Access Point service for compatibility with millions of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) client devices.
- Support for several strong cryptographic options used for data and MAC-address encryption and per-hop, per-packet authentication.
- Supports up to four antennas with MIMO (multiple input, multiple output).
- Provides reliable and fast off-loading to Ethernet via multiple, simultaneous bridge-mode links through Automatic Protocol Tunneling (APT) feature.
- Self-configuring operation for fast and easy deployments,with scalability to hundreds of mobile, high-bandwidth nodes.