Teltonika RUT956 4G LTE Router Enabling Generator Predictive Maintenance


The fuel-powered generator market is expansive and shows no signs of slowing down. Expected to reach a global value of $74.1 billion by 2032, generators will continue to be a popular power source in the coming years. This is particularly relevant in South Africa, where frequent power outages and load shedding perpetuate the ongoing energy crisis.

Since such generators are and will continue to be high-demand products, ensuring their longevity and operational efficiency is non-negotiable. But this is where things get complicated.

Generators are complex devices that involve electrical, mechanical, and electromagnetic components. All of these components must be maintained to prevent one malfunctioning part from damaging another.

Indeed, if not taken care of, this could lead to a series of unfortunate events, as unmaintained generators can become potential fire hazards or sources of environmental contamination by releasing poisonous gases.

All this stems from a root cause: the lack of generator maintenance posing risks to the solutions it powers. Such risks include unreliable power supply and the jeopardy of critical operations.

Implementing predictive maintenance for the generator’s health and operational efficiency is the best way to prevent a chain reaction of unfavourable outcomes.

Pragma’s client, Fair Cape Dairies from South Africa, needed a trustworthy solution for the maintenance of its generators. Fortunately, we had the right LTE router – the RUT956 – to make this possible.




Plugged into each generator’s controller via its RS485 interface, the RUT956 LTE router establishes a robust and uninterrupted network infrastructure between each end device and the EAMS (On Key) platform, thanks to a wireless connection. However, there are many more reasons why our LTE router was chosen for such a task.

Download the full Use Case to see how this solution works.