Utilising the Rajant Sparrow BreadCrumbs to Your Advantage
At Rajant, we solve your Wi-Fi and LTE problems by extending the range of standard Wi-Fi and LTE, enabling machine-to-machine communications to see around obstructions, and providing sitewide ubiquitous Wi-Fi coverage to connect to WI-Fi IoT devices including VoIP handsets.
The Rajant Sparrow is an IP67 Kinetic Mesh network device intended for use in harsh environments on everything from heavy-duty machinery to light-duty vehicles. Markets include mining, construction, airports, oil & gas, utilities, solar, wind, smart cities, and public safety. This is a robust product that can add connectivity to an existing network. The Sparrow can be deployed as a mobile or infrastructure wireless node.
This industrial network node not only offers reliability, performance, and scalability but also security to support virtually any application operating in outdoor environments. These BreadCrumbs adapt quickly to changing environments to eliminate communication gaps and provide higher reliability than any other wireless network available.