In a Rajant Kinetic Mesh® network, every node can be mobile, providing every transportation asset that traverses or resides in the network with robust, high-bandwidth mobile connectivity. For railroads, this means that command centers can instantly access the analytical insights from applications running on each train—monitoring everything from equipment health to speed and location, wheel sensors and freight status, fuel consumption, traffic optimisation and more.
Rajant Kinetic Mesh® networks provide both linear functionality and train-to-trackside handoff, with a ‘Make-Make-Make-Never-Break’ connectivity paradigm that ensures no loss in communication, even when traveling through remote terrains. The network is capable of any-node to any-node communications, allowing it to work autonomously or interoperate readily with satellite, point-to-point wireless, or wired links.
From increasing personnel productivity to improving the safety of both passengers and freight, Rajant Kinetic Mesh® networks enable transportation operators to provide a modern mode of transportation for their on-board customers to enjoy while enhancing their competitive advantage in the process.
The Kinetic Mesh® network even gives train and subway operators the ability to dynamically load digital content based on their location along the route line, helping to offset the costs of important safety and security initiatives with paid advertising that has high relevancy to passengers.