Turbidity Sensor

Part #: VS VWT-001

Turbidity sensor has analogue (0-2.5VDC) output, voltage input of 8-24V, a current draw of 10mA and a wake time of 5s. Measurement range is 0-1000 NTU.
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Small form-factor tubidity sensor with the accuracy of larger body sensors.

VTT-002 is a new turbidity sensor that is designed especially for high-volume low-price point markets. The new 14mm diameter sensor provides very robust operation in 0-1000NTU range while providing 1% overall calibration accuracy.

This single-range 14mm turbidity sensor is capable of producing a measurement in less than 4 seconds and output its value as voltage output.


The sensor has as 90deg-ISO 7027 that measures 0-1000NTU.

Newly developed optics contains 0.7mm dia @990nm transmit beam at angle of 90deg in liquid to the pickup path. This obtains the ISO 7027 standard. Combined with light receiving path, the sensor makes a 40mm x 20mm detection windows from the optical face.


3-point factory calibration. All calibrations are using Amco-Clear turbidity standards. 1% calibration accuracy is obtained to the specific calibration standard. The sensor can be calibrated and configured using built-in half duplex TTL system and Windows configuration software.


Low-cost IoT installations, monitoring of streams, rivers and water storage, hydrological run-off studies, ground and bore water analysis, dredging plume monitoring, drinking water supply monitoring, wastewater monitoring, pump inlet monitoring.

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