Everlasting Connectivity for the Ever-changing Mining Industry

March 15, 2024

The mining industry is at yet another crossroads in its hundreds of years of history. To stay profitable amidst technology changes, the industry is embracing automation, unmanned operations, and decarbonization. At the same time, it must confront a multitude of internal and external challenges.

The Ever-changing Landscape in the Mining Industry

Internal Challenges:

  • Changing terrains mining deeper underground, digging farther into mountains
  • Changing conditions flooding, toxic gases, explosions, mine collapses
  • Changing technologies automation, remote controlling, decarbonization

External Challenges:

  • Evolving cyberthreats- As mining equipment gets connected, cyberthreats are not affecting IT only but also OT
  • Evolving energy diversity- Embracing net zero calls for renewable energy and more complex grid management
  • Evolving mining commodity selection- Fast deployment and adjustments to absorb market fluctuations in mineral demand

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